Celebrate With Eden

A Dream. A Concept. A Statement. To those who recently discovered our flower shop, Welcome! I want to introduce you to the creative preserved and dried floral world.
The Story of CWE Floral Design - Summer of 2020, Christie graduated college in the midst of the pandemic. Before that, she had all my focus on the hotel industry and was really excited to start my first job, but Covid took that opportunity away… she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do for quite some time, but one thing she knew is that she is very passionate about inspiring creativity and flowers. And that’s how she started CWE “Celebrate With Eden” Floral Design.
In 2021, Christie began her journey with floral bar pop ups throughout Dallas. In the words of Christie, “The flower world is so fascinating to me and I fall in love with it more and more.” Her stem bar has more than 50 different varieties of dried and preserved florals.
She focuses on creating high quality, eye-catching and everlasting floral items such as floral arrangements, bouquets and holiday decorations.
Available Online & In Store at:
I'd love to show you more, follow my journey